I recommend Radial ring magnets to use in electric motors

I recommend Radial ring magnets to use in electric motors

Manufacturers of permanent magnets has been facing the problem of obtaining ring magnets with a radial texture and the maximum possible magnetic characteristics for a very long time. The main potential consumers of radial ring magnets are electronic and electrical industries – manufacturers of various electronic focusing devices, electric motors and electric power generators. There are several ways of getting ring magnets with a radial texture:

  1. Obtaining isotropic ring magnets followed by radial magnetization
  2. Pressing in matrices with a magnetic field created by electromagnets
  3. Pressing in matrices with a magnetic field created by permanent magnets
  4. Prefabricated ring magnets from several sectors

    The most acceptable for consumers of electric motors is a whole radially magnetized ring with a texture close to 100%. However, obtaining whole radial rings is associated with a whole range of technical problems that have not been solved or partially solved yet. One of these problems and the most important is the technical complexity of creating molds with a textural magnetic field that is large in magnitude and direction, capable of “building” the particles of the press powder in the process of filling and pressing the workpiece. 

The “novelty” of magnets is to achieve the maximum radial magnetic texture (~ 98 ÷ 100%), combined with high mechanical strength in a wide range of ratios of internal and external diameters – (30 ÷ 90)%. The technology has been developed and experienced mechanically robust multipolar ring magnets have been manufactured. The use of monolithic multipolar magnets in rotors with an optimal texture in magnetic couplings and valve motors instead of typesetting is supposed in electric field.

Image by Thanasis Papazacharias from Pixabay

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